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Commercial Disputes Weekly - Issue 239
The appellants were directors of the respondent company. They were found to have breached their fiduciary duties by resigning from the company in bad…
Navigating the SIAC Arbitration Rules 2025
Singapore has cemented its place as a global leader in arbitration. A recent Global Arbitration Review report has confirmed that Singapore is now the…
Experts in the Spotlight under the New Arbitration Rules adopted by Romania’s Court of International Commercial Arbitration
At the beginning of this year, the Court of International Commercial Arbitration of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania (CICA) has…
The Key Provisions of an International Arbitration Clause in Cross-Border Electricity Trade Disputes
Cross-border electricity trade is the import and export of electricity between countries.It takes place on a two-way integrated wide-area…
Consumer Law | European ODR platform to be discontinued
Following the adoption of Regulation (EU) No. 2024/3228 of 19 December 2024 (the “Regulation”), the European Online Dispute Resolution Platform (the…
Advocate General opinion presents seismic challenge to the existing order of sports arbitration
A landmark Advocate General opinion proposes a potentially seismic shift in sports arbitration by opening door to EU court review of CAS awards where…
Arbitration Clause In A Discharged Contract Is Unenforceable—Unless Weaponized (Rogne v. Digital)
Since Debtor "does not now seek to use that agreement as a weapon" against Creditor, Debtor's "bankruptcy discharge renders the arbitration agreement…
Alter ego doctrine and arbitral awards
In a recent decision, the Paris Judicial Court considered whether a Dutch company was able to recover assets from a Panamanian company, by virtue of…
Recent Arbitration Developments in Thailand: Fifth Amendment to the TAI Arbitration Rules
With over three decades of history, the Thai Arbitration Institute ("TAI") is one of Thailand's leading arbitral institutions, having administered…
What is mediation
Mediation can assist families in various circumstances, such as considering options for separating the matrimonial Finances, or the arrangements for…
Michael A. Zuckerman, Esq., Appointed to Federal Judiciary’s Electronic Public Access Public User Group
Chicago - JAMS, the largest private provider of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) services worldwide, is proud to announce that Michael A…
Off the pitch: High Court implies horizontal arbitration agreement and stays court proceedings
In Alrubie v Chelsea Football Club and another [2025] EWHC 541 (Comm), the High Court granted a stay of proceedings, finding that the parties were…
The Headless PAGA Saga Continues
On February 26, 2025, in Parra Rodriguez v. Packers Sanitation, Inc., the California Court of Appeal (Fourth Appellate District) issued the latest…
AI in Arbitration: Chartered Institute of Arbitrators publishes guidance
The Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (Ciarb) has published a Guideline on the use of AI in arbitration. The use of AI in legal proceedings has been…
Arbitration Act 2025
On 24 February 2025, the Arbitration Act 2025 (the “2025 Act”) received Royal Assent. The much-anticipated legislation follows an in-depth review by…
Legal developments in construction law: March 2025- Arbitration Act 2025 becomes law but awaits a start date
The Arbitration Act 2025, which amends the 1996 Arbitration Act, became law on 24 February and the majority of its provisions will be brought into…
Jill M. Manning, Esq., Joins JAMS in San Francisco
San Francisco - JAMS, the largest private provider of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) services worldwide, is pleased to announce that Jill M…
Employment Law’s Dispute Resolution Process - Mediation
Navigating the dispute resolution process in the employment jurisdiction can be tricky. This article aims to spell out the key considerations for…
The Adverb that Changed Everything: Arbitration, State Immunity and the case of General Dynamics v Libya
Join Liz Kantor, Vanessa Naish, and guest, Andrew Cannon, as they explore the fascinating intersection of arbitration and state immunity in the Court…
Overview of the DIFC Courts Law 2025
On 10 March 2025, Dubai enacted Law No. (2) of 2025 concerning Dubai International Financial Centre Courts (the “New DIFC Court Law”). The New DIFC…
British Columbia Bill 4 Targets Class Action Waivers and Arbitration Clauses
On February 25, 2025, British Columbia introduced Bill 4, proposing significant amendments to the Business Practices and Consumer Protection Act…
Remand Order Not Appealable Despite Ride-Along Denial of Motion to Compel Arbitration
28 U.S.C. § 1447(d) bars appellate review of remand orders. 9 U.S.C. § 205 permits removal of actions relating to international arbitration…
DIFC Court - A New Vision - Insights from the BarMENA discussion with the Chief Justice of the DIFC Courts H.E. Wayne Martin
Justice Wayne Martin has taken the helm as Chief Justice of the DIFC Courts as of September 2024. In a recent BarMENA discussion, he shed light on…
BGH zum Ausschluss des AGB-Rechts in Schiedsvereinbarung - ein Weg zu mehr Vertragsfreiheit?
Die meisten Verträge im Wirtschaftsleben sind rechtlich betrachtet Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen (AGB), da ihre Klauseln meist vorformuliert und…
Dispute Resolution Journal: Volume 78, Number 5
What happens when two parties enter into a valid and binding Arbitration agreement, but the arbitral institution they named In that agreement is…
Staying Single?
A recent decision by the United States Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals underscores the real concern regarding the proverbial "empty chair" in…
Paddle Manufacturer in a Pickle: First Game to Plaintiffs in Consumer Protection Suit over Allegedly Mislabeled Pickleball Paddles
Sport Squad, Inc. (“Sport Squad”), a pickleball paddle manufacturer, has found itself in a pickle after a Florida district court allowed various…
다단계 분쟁해결 절차에서 중재절차의 선행요건을 충족하지 않을 경우 - 법적 함의와 주의점
다단계 분쟁해결 조항(multi-tier dispute resolution clause)이란, 중재(혹은 소송) 절차를 개시하기 전에 당사자 간의 협상, 조정, 전문가 결정 등 대체적인 분쟁해결 절차를 미리 거치도록 하는 조항입니다. 이러한 대체적인 분쟁해결 절차는…
Key Insights on Libya’s New Upstream Licensing Round
Since the 2011 uprising, international investors have cautiously eyed potential investment opportunities in Libya due to legal and political…
Key changes introduced by the Arbitration Act 2025: (6) Clarifying the courts’ powers in support of arbitral proceedings
In this final article in our series on the Act, we explore two key updates introduced by the Act: (1) the expansion of English courts’ powers to…